Sunday, March 27, 2011

new tricks

both girls learned new skills this week. in what is becoming more and more evident in their personalities, one child is a little more understated:

and one

helen rolled over this morning from back to front while i was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. there was no fuss or fanfare on her end, she was just happily on her tummy listening to some tunes when i returned.

thea has been extremely complimentary lately. is this a normal stage of a child's development? she tells me 'good job mommy!' for any number of things throughout the day. just this morning she complimented zack, 'good parking daddy!' and me, 'good laundry mama!' [we've become mommy and daddy now. she has pretty much dropped mama and dada unless she's sad or tired.] carley taught thea the go bananas cheer and thea has really made it her own. she often substitutes 'bananas' for my name and i honestly feel like i am living with my own personal life coach. "go mama, go go mama!" i'm not gonna lie, it makes life pretty fun.

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