Wednesday, July 29, 2009

eight months old

thea has been two parts fun and one part exhausting this month. i'm constantly trying to stay a step ahead of her, clearing out anything potentially harmful in her path. she started the month crawling a few awkward steps at a time but upon our return from the east coast she was fully coordinated. now when she sets her sights on something she puts her head down and beelines it across the room. i can barely keep up with her!

every month when i sit down to write this post, i think to myself this has been the best month so far, that she's at such a cute stage, that it's not going to get any better than this. yet each month thea becomes more of a little person - doing more, saying more, developing more - and i love each month even more than the last.

nuggie has started to assert some independence which is incredible to witness. when i steady whatever it is she's trying to climb on or pull up on, she politely but firmly removes my hand. "oh, i'm so sorry, am i in your way? pardon me while i prevent you from pulling that bookcase over on yourself. next time i'll just let you bury yourself in books or knock yourself out with one of your dad's heinous decathlon trophies." it makes me laugh now but i imagine that on at least one occasion
in the not-too-distant future, it might make me want to strangle her.

thea has tried to put everything and i mean everything in her mouth this month. zack and i have both caught her contorting her body in such a way to get her lips around the stopper attached to the back of the door in her room. it's one of those boing-y doorstops from the 1970s that's coated in probably no less than ten layers of lead paint. we should remove it but when she's not trying to inhale it, it does provide her with endless entertainment.

which brings me to the keys. she loves my keys. she now cries when i take the keys away from her. and so, i believe, we have entered into the [dreaded by some accounts] negotiating phase. "how about you give me those keys so that i can start the car and i'll give you my wallet instead?" the keys keep her still for a few precious moments and make her happy. quite honestly, how can i argue with that smile?

thanks to becky for the chic kimono! it's absolutely adorable and while one might think, "a kimono? that's not very practical," it's actually become one of my favorite pieces of clothing. it's long sleeved yet lightweight which is great for the san diego climate; and it's fitted around the body but allows her legs to be free, both must haves for a baby who is on the move. plus, she looks like a cross between a cute little geisha girl and luke skywalker when she's wearing it. i can't think of a better combo than that!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 8 mos Birthday Thea!
    Sa, you can by some plastic toys keys for her. I agree somewhat----a Geisha or a Sumo wrestler in a kimono.
